Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Military Spouses are Worth More than 40wpm

Moving around from place used to limit job opportunities for military spouses. When you went for an interview you would hope the interviewer never asked how long you'd be in the area. Spouses were pushed to jobs with temp agencies since they were the only group hard up enough to take a nomad.

The lucky temp agencies got really good employees and the spouses in return got a really crappy job. All were happy, especially the spouse employment office since they really thought this was a good effort.

Fast forward to the next century and employers finally recognize military spouses are a valuable commodity. Hats off to Inova -- I'm guessing they don't require the typing test on their applications and hopefully pay more than $4.50 and hour.

I've always thought the upside to military spouse employment was the fact that they would leave - sometimes it's good to get rid of people -- move on.

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